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    13 years ago

Saturday, February 12, 2011


The largest university in Jakarta is the University of Indonesia, a state-owned university with campuses in Salemba and Depok. Other state-owned universities include Jakarta State University, Jakarta State Polytechnic, and Jakarta Islamic State University. Nowadays, the oldest university is the privately owned Universitas Nasional (UNAS). Private universities in Jakarta include Trisakti University Atma Jaya University, and Tarumanagara University.
STOVIA was the first high school in Jakarta, established in 1851. As the largest city and the capital, Jakarta houses a large number of students from various parts of Indonesia, many of whom reside in dormitories or home-stay residences. For basic education, there are a variety of primary and secondary schools, tagged with public (national), private (national and bi-lingual national plus) and international schools. Two of the major international schools located in Jakarta are the Jakarta International School and the British International School (BIS). Other international schools include the Jakarta International Korean School, Jakarta International Multicultural School, Australian International School, New Zealand International School, Singapore International School, and SPH International School


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